Clinic systems in Private Practice


There are 2 clinic systems in Private Hospitals in Malaysia. The first is that a doctor owns or rents a clinic from the hospital. Here the doctor is in full control of everything that is done in the clinic. The second is that the hospital provides the clinic for the doctor to use. In this podcast I will describe the advantages and disadvantages of both these systems

Published by survivingprivatepracticeinmalaysia

My name is Dr Selva I am a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at Mahkota Medical Centre in Melaka, Malaysia. This is my first episode and I am excited to record and share this podcast to all of you. This podcast is entited “Why I started this podcast”.I started a blog entitled "Surviving private practice in Malaysia" last year and I thought that a podcast will be good to reach out to more people. I have been working in private practice in Malaysia for the last 27 years. Many students who want to become doctors and young doctors working in the government hospitals, do not know how private practice in Malaysia works. This podcast is aimed to educate them about private practice in Malaysia. In this podcasts I will talk about my experiences working in private practice in Malaysia. I will discuss on how private practice works . I will also be speaking to other doctors who are already working in private practice in Malaysia. I am hoping that by listening to this podcast you will have a good idea about how private practice in Malaysia works and hopefully you will be better prepared to face private practice when your time comes to move from the government hospital to private practice.

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